
Masks can be useful to hide or show certain part of a layer. It uses value 1.0 (white) as visible and 0.0 (black) as transparent.

Setting up mask (Quick Guide)

You can access layer masks below the layer channels.

pic: layer mask ui with no mask
Layer masks panel

To add a new mask just press the '+' button and you'll be given an options menu with many mask types. More details about layer mask types can be accessed here.

pic: new layer mask options
New layer mask options

Let's choose an image mask type for example, you'll be given these options:

pic: New Mask Image
New image mask dialog box

Choose white as the base color of the mask image, now you can paint black to mask the layer, as demonstrated below.

Painting mask

You can switch between the layer image and the mask itself by clicking the icon on the layer list.

Switching between mask and image using icons on the list

Or you can click this icon to enable mask editing.

Switching between mask and image using active edit icon


Next Quick Guide is about modifiers, click here to continue

Mask Types

Ucupaint has several mask types that can be used, which are:


Same as it's layer counterpart. You can also use images as a mask.

Vertex Color

Same as it's layer counterpart. You can also use vertex colors as a mask.

Color ID

Color ID will use a unique random color ID that will work as a mask. It uses vertex color named '__yp_color_id' to store its color ID, when the color IDs match, then it will be valued 1.0, otherwise it will be valued 0.0. Like vertex color, Ucupaint has special editor to easily edit color IDs in edit mode.

Using Color ID mask

Object Index

Object Index will use pass index of an object as a mask.

Using Object Index Mask

Fake Lighting

Same as it's layer counterpart. You can also use fake lighting as a mask.

Blender Generated Texture (Noise, Magic, Brick, Voronoi, etc)

Same as it's layer counterpart. You can also use Blender generated textures as masks.

Baked Images

Same as it's layer counterpart. You can also use baked images as masks.

Multiple masks on single layer

You can have more than one mask in a single layer.

Pic: Two mask on single layer
Two masks in a single image

To change the order of mask or do other things, you can use mask menu buttons.

Pic: Layer mask menu
Menu for reordering masks and other things

Mask options

You can change various options of each masks.

Pic: Mask uncolapsed panel
Various options for a mask

Like with layers, you can edit the source, vector and blending. You can also mask only a specific channel.